When I decided to have my own studio, I had two options. Use window light or use artificial light. I had to decide what would serve my clients and my studio best. So, I chose strobe lighting, and I love it! Here's why.
Natural window light is inconvenient and unpredictable.
If it's cloudy or rainy outside, I won't have enough light.
Sessions can only be scheduled during certain hours to have enough light coming in.
There isn't much freedom for movement and placement of my subjects since they would need to be close to the window.
Inconsistent light would lead to an inconsistent look in my images
Strobe light is beautiful, convenient, predictable, and consistent.

Strobes can produce light that is just as soft and beautiful as natural light.
I can have sessions day or night, so there's more flexibility in scheduling for my clients.
Strobe light doesn't depend on whether it's sunny, rainy, or cloudy.
Strobe light allows me to have consistency in the look of my images,, no matter the season, time of day, or weather.
Strobe light creates that big, sparkly catchlight right where I want it in my subjects' eyes.
Strobe light can freeze motion of my little fast-moving clients.
Strobe light is the most dependable, convenient way to serve my clients. It creates a soft, beautiful light that allows me to create the classic, timeless portraits I love at any time. And I want to be able to provide that for you always, no matter the time of day or time of year.