1 -Choose the right cake.
In addition to your little cutie, the cake will be the focus of the session. Make sure you choose a color that goes well with your baby's outfit. However, two colors you might want to avoid for frosting are red and brown. Red icing all over your child can honestly look like a bloody mess and stain their skin. Brown smeared all over your child can look like, well....poop. The best size for a smash cake is 6".
2 - Prep baby before the cake smash.
As much as you might want to get that very first reaction to cake captured in your session, it might be a better idea to let your little one get acquainted with a cupcake beforehand. This will allow them to explore the texture and taste before the big day.

3 - Make sure baby has been fed and has napped.
No matter how yummy or exciting a cake looks, a tired or hangry baby might not have anything to do with it. And an empty tummy will not make him want the cake more. I know baby's schedule doesn't always go as planned, but try to ensure baby is in the best mood possible by making sure there has been enough sleep and enough food beforehand.
4 - Let go of expectations
I have the dreamy Pinterest boards too, but the reality is that not all babies are going to have a magical cake smash experience. They don't all like the texture and taste of cake, or they might just not be in the mood. Let them set the pace and do what they will. You can try to encourage by joining in the fun, but if all else fails, there are always cute pictures to be had with a baby - smashing or not.

5 - Be prepared for the end result.
On the other hand, baby might just be ALL into it. Things can get super messy, so don't forget to bring a change of clothes. You might even need a change yourself. If you have certain products you prefer to clean your baby with, make sure to bring them. Also pack a sippy cup of water. Cake smashing can make a baby thirsty!
Turning one is a huge milestone, and a cake smash session should be a fun part of it. Let whatever happens happen, and just enjoy letting your little one explore ... or not.